For the prevention and control of diseases like Foot & Mouth Disease , Hemorrhagic Septicemia , Black Quarter and Theilariasis , mass vaccination campaign arranged every year.
Mass vaccination against Foot & Mouth Disease :- A vaccination campaign is arranged once in a year usually during December-January and the animals are vaccinated by trained village level vaccinators under the supervision of Veterinary Doctors.
The first vaccination is performed at the age of 3 months then booster dose of vaccine at the age of 6 months and then every year. Oil adjuvant vaccine is used.
For the prevention and control of Haemorrhagic Septicemia (HS) and Black Quarter (BQ) diseases ; District Animal Husbandry department(Govt. of Gujarat) arrange vaccination with the active support of field staff and Village Dairy Cooperative Societies, affiliated to the milk union.
All the Crossbred cows are vaccinated against Theilariasis by the union veterinarians , as and when required.